Matthias Rath M.D. and Linus Pauling Ph.D
"An important scientific
innovation rarely, makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its
opponents. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the
growing generation is familiar with the idea from the beginning."
This paper is dedicated to the young physicians and the medical
students of this world
Until now therapeutic concepts
for human cardiovascular disease (CVD) were targeting individual pathomechanisms
or specific risk factor,. On the basis of genetic, metabolic, evolutionary, and
clinical evidence we present here a unified pathogenetic and therapeutic
approach. Ascorbate deficiency is the precondition and common denominator of
human CVD. Ascorbate deficiency is the result of the inability of man to
synthesize ascorbate endogenously in combination with insufficient dietary
intake. The invariable morphological consequences of chronic ascorbate
deficiency in the vascular wall are the loosening of the connective tissue and
the loss of the endothelial barrier function. Thus human CVD is a form of
pre-scurvy. The multitude of pathomechanisms that lead to the clinical
manifestation of CVD are primarily defense mechanisms aiming at the
stabilization of the vascular wall. After the loss of endogenous ascorbate
production during the evolution of man these defense mechanisms became
life-saving. They counteracted the fatal consequences of scurvy and particularly
of blood loss through the scorbutic vascular wall. These countermeasures
constitute a genetic and a metabolic level. The genetic level is characterized
by the evolutionary advantage of inherited features that lead to a thickening of
the vascular wall, including a multitude of inherited diseases.
metabolic level is characterized by the close connection of ascorbate with
metabolic regulatory systems that determine the risk profile for CVD in clinical
cardiology today. The most frequent mechanism is the deposition of lipoproteins,
particularly lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)], in the vascular wall. With sustained
ascorbate deficiency, the result of insufficient ascorbate uptake, these defense
mechanisms overshoot and lead to the development of CVD. Premature CVD is
essentially unknown in all animal species that produce high amounts of ascorbate
endogenously. In humans, unable to produce endogenous ascorbate, CVD became one
of the most frequent diseases. The genetic mutation that rendered all human
beings today dependent on dietary ascorbate is the universal underlying cause of
CVD- Optimum dietary ascorbate intake will correct this common genetic defect
and prevent its deleterious consequences. Clinical confirmation of this theory
should largely abolish CVD as a cause for mortality in this generation and
future generations of mankind.
Key words
Ascorbate, vitamin C,
cardiovascular disease, lipoprotein (a), hype rcholestero le in i a.
hypertriglyceridemia, hypoalphalipoproteinemia, diabetes,
We have recently presented
ascorbate deficiency as the primary cause of human CVD. We proposed that the
most frequent pathomechanism leading to the development of atherosclerotic
plaques is the deposition of Lp(a) and fibrinogen/fibrin in the
ascorbate-deficient vascular wall. In the course of this work we discovered that
virtually every pathomechanism for human CVD known today can be induced by
ascorbate deficiency. Beside the deposition of Lp(a) this includes such
seemingly unrelated processes as foam cell formation and decreased
transfer, and also peripheral angiopathies in diabetic or
homocystinuric patients. We did not accept this observation as a coincidence.
Consequently we proposed that ascorbate deficiency is the precondition as well
as a common denominator of human CVD. This farreaching conclusion deserves an
explanation; it is presented in this paper. We suggest that the direct
connection of ascorbate deficiency with the development of CVD is the result of
extraordinary pressure during the evolution of man. After the loss of the
endogenous ascorbate production in our ancestors, severe bloodloss through the
scorbutic vascular wall became a life-threatening condition. The resulting
evolutionary pressure favored genetic and metabolic mechanisms predisposing to
The Loss of Endogenous Ascorbate Production in the Ancestor of
With few exceptions all animals synthesize their own ascorbate by
conversion from glucose. In this way they manufacture a daily amount of
ascorbate that varies between about 1 gram and 20 grams, when compared to the
human body weight. About 40 million years ago the ancestor of man lost the
ability for endogenous ascorbate production. This was the result of a mutation
of the gene encoding for the enzyme L-gulono-g-lactone oxidase (GLO), a key
enzyme in the conversion of glucose to ascorbate. As a result of this mutation
all descendants became dependent on dietary ascorbate intake.
precondition for the mutation of the GLO gene was a sufficient supply of dietary
ascorbate. Our ancestors at that time lived in tropical regions. Their diet
consisted primarily of fruits and other forms of plant nutrition that provided a
daily dietary ascorbate supply in the range of several hundred milligrams to
several grams per day. When our ancestors left this habitat to settle in other
regions of the world the availability of dietary ascorbate dropped considerably
and they became prone to scurvy.
Fatal Blood Loss Through the
Scorbutic Vascular Wall - An Extraordinary Challenge to the Evolutionary
Survival of Man
Scurvy is a fatal disease. It is characterized by
structural and metabolic impairment of the human body, particularly by the
destabilization of the connective tissue. Ascorbate is essential for an optimum
production and hydroxylation of collagen and elastin, key constituents of the
extracellular matrix. Ascorbate depletion thus leads to a destabilization of the
connective tissue throughout the body. One of the first clinical signs of scurvy
is perivascular bleeding. The explanation is obvious: Nowhere in the body does
there exist a higher pressure difference than in the circulatory system,
particularly across the vascular wall. The vascular system is the first site
where the underlying destabilization of the connective tissue induced by
ascorbate deficiency is unmasked, leading to the penetration of blood through
the permeable vascular wall. The most vulnerable sites are the proximal
arteries, where the systolic blood pressure is particularly high. The increasing
permeability of the vascular wall in scurvy leads to petechiae and ultimately
hemorrhagic blood loss.
Scurvy and scorbutic blood loss decimated the ship
crews in earlier centuries within months. It is thus conceivable that during the
evolution of man periods of prolonged ascorbate deficiency led to a great death
toll. The mortality from scurvy must have been particularly high during the
thousands of years the ice ages lasted and in other extreme conditions, when the
dietary ascorbate supply approximated zero. We therefore propose that after the
loss of endogenous ascorbate production in our ancestors, scurvy became one of
the greatest threats to the evolutionary survival of man. By hemorrhagic blood
loss through the scorbutic vascular wall our ancestors in many regions may have
virtually been brought close to extinction.
The morphologic changes in the
vascular wall induced by ascorbate deficiency are well characterized: the
loosening of the connective tissue and the loss of the endothelial barrier
function. The extraordinary pressure by fatal blood loss through the scorbutic
vascular wall favored genetic and metabolic countermeasures attenuating
increased vascular permeability.
Ascorbate Deficiency and Genetic
The genetic countermeasures are characterized by an
evolutionary advantage of genetic features and include inherited disorders
are associated with atherosclerosis and CVD. With sufficient ascorbate
supply these disorders stay latent. In ascorbate deficiency, however, they
become unmasked, leading to an increased deposition of plasma constituents in
the vascular wall and other mechanisms that thicken the vascular wall. This
thickening of the vascular wall is a defense measure compensating for the
impaired vascular wall that had become destabilized by ascorbate deficiency.
With prolonged insufficient ascorbate intake in the diet these defense
mechanisms overshoot and CVD develops.
The most frequent mechanism to
counteract the increased permeability of the ascorbate-deficient vascular wall
became the deposition of lipoproteins and lipids in the vessel wall. Another
group of proteins that generally accumulate at sites of tissue transformation
and repair are adhesive proteins such as fibronectin, fibrinogen, and
particularly apo(a). It is therefore no surprise that Lp(a), a combination of
the adhesive protein apo(a) with a low density lipoprotein (LDL) particle,
became the most frequent genetic feature counteracting ascorbate deficiency.'
Beside lipoproteins, certain metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and
homocystinuria, are also associated with the development of CVD. Despite
differences in the underlying pathomechanism, all these mechanisms share a
common feature: they lead to a thickening of the vascular wall and thereby can
counteract the increased permeability in ascorbate deficiency. In addition to
these genetic disorders, the evolutionary pressure from scurvy also favored
certain metabolic countermeasures.
Ascorbate Deficiency and Metabolic
The metabolic countermeasures are characterized by the
regulatory role of ascorbate for metabolic systems determining the clinical risk
profile for CVD. The common aim of these metabolic regulations is to decrease
the vascular permeability in ascorbate deficiency. Low ascorbate concentrations
therefore induce vasoconstriction and hemostasis and affect vascular wall
metabolism in favor of atherosclerogenesis. Towards this end ascorbate interacts
with lipoproteins. coagulation factors, prostaglandins, nitric oxide, and second
messenger systems such as cyclic monophosphates. It should be noted that
ascorbate can affect these regulatory levels in a multiple way- In lipoprotein
metabolism low density lipoproteins (LDL), Lp(a), and very low density
lipoproteins (VLDL) are inversely correlated with ascorbate concentrations,
whereas ascorbate and HDL levels are positively correlated. Similarly, in
prostaglandin metabolism ascorbate increases prostacyclin and prostaglandin E
levels and decreases the thromboxane level. In general, ascorbate deficiency
induces vascular constriction and hemostatis, as well as cellular and
extracellular defense measures in the vascular wall.
In the following
sections we shall discuss the role of ascorbate for frequent and well
established pathomechanisms of human CVD. In general, the inherited disorders
described below are polygenic. Their separate description, however, will allow
the characterization of the role of ascorbate on the different genetic and
metabolic levels.
Apo(a) and Lp(a), the Most Effective and Most
Frequent Countermeasure
After the loss of endogenous ascorbate
production, apo(a) and Lp(a) were greatly favored by evolution. The frequency of
occurrence of elevated Lp(a) plasma levels in species that had lost the ability
to synthesize ascorbate is so great that we formulated the theory that apo(a)
functions as a surrogate for ascorbate.' There are several genetically
determined isoforms of apo(a). They differ in the number of kringle repeats and
in their molecular size. An inverse relation between the molecular size of
apo(a) and the synthesis rate of Lp(a) particles has been established.
Individuals with the high molecular weight apo(a) isoform produce fewer Lp(a)
particles than those with the low apo(a) isoform. In most population studies the
genetic pattern of high apo(a) isoform/low Lp(a) plasma level was found to be
the most advantageous and therefore most frequent pattern. In ascorbate
deficiency Lp(a) is selectively retained in the vascular wall. Apo(a)
counteracts increased permeability by compensating for collagen, by its binding
to fibrin, as a proteinthiol antioxidant, and as an inhibitor of plasmin-induced
proteolysis. Moreover, as an adhesive protein apo(a) is effective in
tissue-repair processes (8). Chronic ascorbate deficiency leads to a sustained
accumulation of Lp(a) in the vascular wall. This leads to the development of
atherosclerotic plaques and premature CVD, particularly in individuals with
genetically determined high plasma Lp(a) levels. Because of its association with
apo(a), Lp(a) is the most specific repair particle among all lipoproteins. Lp(a)
is predominantly deposited at predisposition sites and it is therefore found to
be significantly correlated with coronary, cervical, and cerebral
atherosclerosis but not with peripheral vascular disease.
The mechanism by
which ascorbate resupplementation prevents CVD in any condition is by
maintaining the integrity and stability of the vascular wall. In addition,
ascorbate exerts in the individual a multitude of metabolic effects that prevent
the exacerbation of a possible genetic predisposition and the development of
CVD. If the predisposition is a genetic elevation of Lp(a) plasma levels the
specific regulatory role of ascorbate is the decrease of apo(a) synthesis in the
liver and thereby the decrease of Lp(a) plasma levels. Moreover, ascorbate
decreases the retention of Lp(a) in the vascular wall by lowering fibrinogen
synthesis and by increasing the hydroxylation of lysine residues in vascular
wall constituents, thereby reducing the affinity for Lp(a) binding.
In about
half of the CVD patients the mechanism of Lp(a) deposition contributes
significantly to the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Other lipoprotein
disorders are also frequently part of the polygenic pattern predisposing the
individual patient to CVD in the individual.
Other Lipoprotein
Disorders Associated with CVD
In a large population study Goldstein et
al. discussed three frequent lipid disorders, familial hypercholesterolemia,
familial hypertriglyceridemia, and familial combined hyperlipidemia. Ascorbate
deficiency unmasks these underlying genetic defects and leads to an increased
plasma concentration of lipids (e.g. cholesterol, triglycerides) and
lipoproteins (e.g. LDL, VLDL) as well as to their deposition in the impaired
vascular wall. As with Lp(a), this deposition is a defense measure counteracting
the increased permeability. It should, however, be noted that the deposition of
lipoproteins other than Lp(a) is a less specific defense mechanism and
frequently follows Lp(a) deposition. Again, these mechanisms function as a
defense only for a limited time. With sustained ascorbate deficiency the
continued deposition of lipids and lipoproteins leads to atherosclerotic plaque
development and CVD. Some mechanisms will now be described in more
Hypercholesterolemia, LDL-receptor defect
A multitude
of genetic defects lead to an increased synthesis and/or a decreased catabolism
of cholesterol or LDL. A well characterized although rare defect is the LDL
receptor defect. Ascorbate deficiency unmasks these inherited metabolic defects
and leads to an increased plasma concentration of cholesterol-rich lipoproteins,
e.g. LDL, and their deposition in the vascular wall. Hypercholesterolemia
increases the risk for premature CVD primarily when combined with elevated
plasma levels of Lp(a) or triglycerides.
The mechanisms by which ascorbate
supplementation prevents the exacerbation of hypercholesterolemia and related
CVD include an increased catabolism of cholesterol. In particular, ascorbate is
known to stimulate 7-a-hydroxylase, a key enzyme in the conversion of
cholesterol to bile acids and to increase the expression of LDL receptors on the
cell surface. Moreover, ascorbate is known to inhibit endogenous cholesterol
synthesis as well as oxidative modification of
Hypertriglyceridemia, Type III hyperlipidemia
A variety of
genetic disorders lead to the accumulation of triglycerides in the form of
chylomicron remnants, VLDL, and intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) in
plasma. Ascorbate deficiency unmasks these underlying genetic defects and the
continued deposition of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in the vascular wall
leads to CVD development. These triglyceride-rich lipoproteins are particularly
subject to oxidative modification, cellular lipoprotein uptake, and foam cell
formation. In hypertriglyceridemia nonspecific foam-cell formation has been
observed in a variety of organs." Ascorbate-deficient foam cell formation,
although a less specific repair mechanism than the extracellular deposition of
Lp(a), may have also conferred stability .
Ascorbate supplementation prevents
the exacerbation of CVD associated with hypertriglyceridemia, Type III
hyperlipidemia, and related disorders by stimulating lipoprotein lipases and
thereby enabling a normal catabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.
Ascorbate prevents the oxidative modification of these lipoproteins, their
uptake by scavenger cells and foam cell formation. Moreover, we propose here
that, analogous to the LDL receptor, ascorbate also increases the expression of
the receptors involved in the metabolic clearance of triglyceride-rich
lipoproteins, such as the chylomicron remnant receptor.
The degree of
build-up of atherosclerotic plaques in patients with lipoprotein disorders is
determined by the rate of deposition of lipoproteins and by the rate of the
removal of deposited lipids from the vascular wall. It is therefore not
surprising that ascorbate is also closely connected with this reverse
Hypoalphalipoproteinemia is a
frequent lipoprotein disorder characterized by a decreased synthesis of HDL
particles. HDL is part of the 'reverse-cholesterol-transport' pathway and is
critical for the transport of cholesterol and also other lipids from the body
periphery to the liver. In ascorbate deficiency this genetic defect is unmasked,
resulting in decreased HDL levels and a decreased reverse transport of lipids
from the vascular wall to the liver. This mechanism is highly effective and the
genetic disorder hypoalphalipoproteinemia was greatly favored during evolution.
With ascorbate supplementation HDL production increases, leading to an increased
uptake of lipids deposited in the vascular wall and to a decrease of the
atherosclerotic lesion. A look back in evolution underlines the importance of
this mechanism. During the winter seasons, with low ascorbate intake, our
ancestors became dependent on protecting their vascular wall by the deposition
of lipoproteins and other constituents. During spring and summer seasons the
ascorbate content in the diet increased significantly and mechanisms were
favored that decreased the vascular deposits under the protection of increased
ascorbate concentration in the vascular tissue. It is not unreasonable for us to
propose that ascorbate can reduce fatty deposits in the vascular wall within a
relatively short time. In an earlier clinical study it was shown that 500 mg of
dietary ascorbate per day can lead to a reduction of atherosclerotic deposits
within 2 to 6 months."
This concept, of course, also explains why heart
attack and stroke occur today with a much higher frequency in winter than during
spring and summer, the seasons with increased ascorbate intake.
Inherited Metabolic Disorders Associated with CVD
Beside lipoprotein
disorders many other inherited metabolic diseases are associated with CVD.
Generally these disorders lead to an increased concentration of plasma
constituents that directly or indirectly damage the integrity of the vascular
wall. Consequently these diseases lead to peripheral angiopathies as observed in
diabetes, homocystinuria, sickle-cell anemia (the first molecular disease
described," and many other genetic disorders. Similar to lipoproteins the
deposition of various plasma constituents as well as proliferative thickening
provided a certain stability for the ascorbatedeficient vascular wall. We
illustrate this principle for diabetic and homocystinuric
Diabetic Angiopathy
The pathomechanism in this case
involves the structural similarity between glucose and ascorbate and the
competition of these two molecules for specific cell surface receptors."
Elevated glucose levels prevent many cellular systems in the human body,
including endothelial cells, from optimum ascorbate uptake- Ascorbate deficiency
unmasks the underlying genetic disease, aggravates the imbalance between glucose
and ascorbate, decreases vascular ascorbate concentration, and thereby triggers
diabetic angiopathy.
Ascorbate supplementation prevents diabetic angiopathy
by optimizing the ascorbate concentration in the vascular wall and also by
lowering insulin requirement-"
Homocystinuria is characterized by the accumulation of
homocyst(e)ine and a variety of its metabolic derivatives in the plasma, the
tissues and the urine as the result of decreased homocysteine catabolism."
Elevated plasma concentrations of homocyst(e)ine and its derivatives damage the
endothelial cells throughout the arterial and venous system. Thus homocystinuria
is characterized by peripheral vascular disease and thromboembolism. These
clinical manifestations have been estimated to occur in 30 per cent of the
patients before the age of 20 and in 60 per cent of the patients before the age
of 40.
Ascorbate supplementation prevents homocystinuric angiopathy and
other clinical complications of this disease by increasing the rate of
homocysteine catabolism.
Thus, ascorbate deficiency unmasks a variety of
individual genetic predispositions that lead to CVD in different ways. These
genetic disorders were conserved during evolution largely because of their
association with mechanisms that lead to the thickening of the vascular wall.
Moreover, since ascorbate deficiency is the underlying cause of these diseases,
ascorbate supplementation is the universal therapy.
The Determining
Principles of This Theory
The determining principles of this
comprehensive theory are schematically summarized in Figures I to 3 (pages 13 to
1. CVD is the direct consequence of the inability for endogenous
ascorbate production in man in combination with low dietary ascorbate
2. Ascorbate deficiency leads to increased permeability of the
vascular wall by the loss of the endothelial barrier function and the loosening
of the vascular connective tissue.
3. After the loss of endogenous
ascorbate production scurvy and fatal blood loss through the scorbutic vascular
wall rendered our ancestors in danger of extinction. Under this evolutionary
pressure over millions of years genetic and metabolic countermeasures were
favored that counteract the increased permeability of the vascular
4. The genetic level is characterized by the fact that inherited
disorders associated with CVD became the most frequent among all genetic
predispositions. Among those predispositions lipid and lipoprotein disorders
occur particularly often.
5. The metabolic level is characterized by the
direct relation between ascorbate and virtually all risk factors of clinical
cardiology today. Ascorbate deficiency leads to vasoconstriction and hemostasis
and affects the vascular wall metabolism in favor of
6. The genetic level can be further characterized.
The more effective and specific a certain genetic feature counteracted the
increasing vascular permeability in scurvy, the more advantageous it became
during evolution and, generally, the more frequently this genetic feature occurs
7. The deposition of Lp(a) is the most effective, most specific,
and therefore most frequent of these mechanisms. Lp(a) is preferentially
deposited at predisposition sites. In chronic ascorbate deficiency the
accumulation of Lp(a) leads to the localized development of atherosclerotic
plaques and to myocardial infarction and stroke.
8. Another frequent
inherited lipoprotein disorder is hypoalphalipoproteinemia. The frequency of
this disorder again reflects its usefulness during evolution. The metabolic
upregulation of HDL synthesis by ascorbate became an important mechanism to
reverse and decrease existing lipid deposits in the vascular wall.
9. The
vascular defense mechanisms associated with most genetic disorders are
nonspecific. These mechanisms can aggravate the development of atherosclerotic
plaques at predisposition sites. Other nonspecific mechanisms lead to peripheral
forms of atherosclerosis by causing a thickening of the vascular wall throughout
the arterial system. This peripheral form of vascular disease is characteristic
for angiopathics associated with Type III hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and many
other inherited metabolic diseases.
10. Of particular advantage during
evolution and therefore particularly frequent today are those genetic features
that protect the ascorbate-deficient vascular wall until the end of the
reproduction age. By favoring these disorders nature decided for the lesser of
two evils: the death from CVD after the reproduction age rather than death from
scurvy at a much earlier age. This also explains the rapid increase of the CVD
mortality today from the 4th decade onwards.
11. After the loss of
endogenous ascorbate production the genetic mutation rate in our ancestors
increased significantly- This was an additional precondition favoring the
advantage not only of apo(a) and Lp(a) but also of many other genetic
countermeasures associated with CVD.
12. Genetic predispositions are
characterized by the rate of ascorbate depiction in a multitude of metabolic
reactions specific for the genetic disorder." The overall rate of ascorbate
depletion in an individual is largely determined by the polygenic pattern of
disorders. The earlier the ascorbate reserves in the body are depleted without
being resupplemented, the earlier CVD develops.
13. The genetic
predispositions with the highest probability for early clinical manifestation
require the highest amount of ascorbate supplementation in the diet to prevent
CVD development. The amount of ascorbate for patients at high risk should be
comparable to the amount of ascorbate our ancestors synthesized in their body
before they lost this ability: between 10,000 and 20,000 milligrams per
14. Optimum ascorbate supplementation prevents the development of
CVD independently of the individual predisposition or pathomechanism. Ascorbate
reduces existing atherosclerotic deposits and thereby decreases the risk for
myocardial infarction and stroke. Moreover, ascorbate can prevent blindness and
organ failure in diabetic patients, thromboembolism in homocystinuric patients,
and many other manifestations of CVD.
In this paper
we present a unified theory of human CVD. This disease is the direct consequence
of the inability of man to synthesize ascorbate in combination with insufficient
intake of ascorbate in the modem diet. Since ascorbate deficiency is the common
cause of human CVD, ascorbate supplementation is the universal treatment for
this disease. The available epidemiological and clinical evidence is reasonably
convincing. Further clinical confirmation of this theory should lead to the
abolition of CVD as a cause of human mortality for the present generation and
future generations of mankind.