(Mechanical Engineering), MA (Psychology), PhD (Health Principles); Food
for Vitality published by Bantam UK in 1992; I am a Janov-certified Primal Therapist in
private practice –
I felt depressed and hopeless when I was diagnosed with
insulin-dependent diabetes at age 38, and I hope this site may ease a trying
time and provide a solution for others who suddenly find themselves diabetic.
Now I'm 65 and take 48 Units of insulin per day, yet my glycosylated
hemoglobin is normal at 5.1% and my blood chemistry is also
normal: there’s no reason why diabetics should
develop complications or suffer a shortened life expectancy. Years
of self-experimentation taught me what works: eating for the least possible
insulin transforms this killer disease into an inconvenience, without the dire
consequences expected by the medical profession. By contrast, the low-fat medical
prescription worsens the condition so that diabetics lose, on average, 12 years
of life. Many end up as purblind amputees on dialysis, yet, incredible as
it may seem, these diabetic complications are iatrogenic,
meaning they are actually caused by the dietary treatment prescribed for
I'm not a physician and these are my
experiences, not medical advice: your mileage may vary. Enlist an
experienced doctor like Dr Richard Bernstein (914)
698-7500 if you experiment. Insulin needs of insulin-dependent diabetics
fall so dramatically on low-carbohydrate diets that you could get severe
60 Minutes Reveals a Cause
of Type 2 Diabetes: stomach bypass surgery quickly puts diabetes in
remission! This implies that too many calories at once – so easy to
achieve with junky food – causes diabetes
The Folly of the American Diabetes Association’s Dietary Recommendations
Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease
An Essay on Health
– what I’ve learned: refined foods cause degenerative disease
This site is dedicated to diabetes and diabetics, Type I and Type II, insulin-dependent (IDDM) and non-insulin dependent (NIDDM), at risk for diabetic complications from poor diabetic control such as kidney disease, overweight, high blood pressure and cholesterol, coronary heart disease and heart attacks, neuropathy, retinopathy and blindness, and leg ulcers with their attendant risk of gangrene and amputation. It is for those with brittle diabetes, Somogyi reactions or the "dawn phenomenon" who suffer emotional distress, anxiety or despair over their abnormal Glycosylated Hemoglobin Tests. And for those who feel hopeless about achieving good control, avoiding insulin reactions, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. To all of you, I say there is hope: I'm insulin-dependent, but my risk for complications is almost zero on a low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet without sugar, refined carbohydrates or starches. My average blood sugar is about 102 mg%, and Ketostix tell me I'm in mild ketosis. I eat food I like and I feel good: it can be done!